BigBangProductions.CurveRuntime NamespaceBigBangProductions Easy Curves

Public classBasicFollower
Represents a basic follower which exists within the custom animation system
Public classCurveFollower
Represents a transform that follows a curve according certain parameters
Public classCustomFollower
A custom follower, integrated into the timeing system, to execute custom actions and events (instead of following curves)
Public classDefaultTimeController
This class controls the global time according to the elapsed time Forward Playback Starts from the beginning when the end is reached
Public classFollowerController
This class controls the synchronization of the followers and the global time
Public classMainContainer
The main container that usually contains all curves and followers

Public delegateContainerCompiledEvent
An event that occurs after the main container was compiled

Public enumerationCycleMode
How often the curve should be followed from start to end
Public enumerationFollowMode
Defines how to follow the curve and what happens at the end point