CurveFollower PropertiesBigBangProductions Easy Curves
The CurveFollower type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCurrentLocalOffset
Returns the offset of the curve follower on the curve
Public propertyCurve
The curve to follow
Public propertyCycles
Returns the number of cycles that the curve follower is able to do (For CycleMode.Once=1, and CycleMode.Two=2)
Public propertyFollowImmediatly
Wether the curve should be followed immediatly (true), or the rotation should be slowly adjusted according to MaxTurnSpeed
Public propertyFollowMode
Defines what happens when the follower reaches the end/start of the curve
Public propertyHideAfterFinished
If set to true the curve follower game object is inactive (hidden) in play mode after the EndTime was reached
Public propertyHideBeforeStarted
If set to true the curve follower game object is inactive (hidden) in play mode before the StartTime was reached
Public propertyIsEditable
Defines wether the curve follower is editable in the inspector or not
Public propertyMaxTurnSpeed
The speed of the rotation (only used when FollowImmediatly is set to false)
Public propertySpeed
The speed to follower the curve in units per second
Public propertyStartCurveOffset
Defines offset on the curve
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