Curve MembersBigBangProductions Easy Curves

The Curve type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddControlPoint
Adds a control point at the end of the curve
Public methodCalculateContinous
Calcualtes a plane continously for the given segment index
Public methodCalculateUncontinous
Calculates a plane on the position of the curve non-continously!
Public methodDeleteControlPoint
Deletes the given control point from the curve
Public methodGetTangent
Calculates the tangent for the given control point
Public methodIndexOf
The index of a certain control point
Public methodInsertControlPoint
Inserts a control point after the given control point and before the next control point (in the middle)
Public methodRemapCurve
Remaps the curve and saves the results, so it only needs to be remapped when something changes IsDirty will be set to false
Public methodToGlobal
Converts a plane from local to global
Public methodToLocal
Converts a plnae from global to local
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Public fieldControlPointAdded
An event that occurs when a new control point was added
Public fieldControlPointChanged
An event that occurs when an existing control point was changed
Public fieldControlPointDeleted
An event that occurs when an existing control point was deleted
Public fieldLengthChanged
An event that occurs when the curve length changed This also indicates a shape change
Public fieldTwirlChanged
An event that occurs when the curve twirling changed (rotations) This also indicates a shape change
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Public propertyControlPointCount
The count of control points
Public propertyIsDirty
True indicates, that the curve will be remapped before executing the next call to CalculateContinous(Int32, Single)
Public propertyItem
Returns the control point at the given index
Public propertyLength
The length of the curve
Public propertySpline
The spline function that is used by this curve
Public propertyWrapAround
True indicates that the start and the end of the curve should be connected
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See Also