ContinousCurveCalculator ClassBigBangProductions Easy Curves
Used to calculate a point on a curve with multiple segments with some optimizations This can be used multiple times per curve If you want the maximum optimizations you should use each curve follower only with continiously changing offsets So if you have two game objects with the same offset values you can use the same ContiniousCurveCalculator but if you have two game objects with different offset values you should use indivdual instances of this class
Inheritance Hierarchy

OnlineSystem Object
  BigBangProductions.CurveRuntime.Splines ContinousCurveCalculator

Namespace: BigBangProductions.CurveRuntime.Splines
Assembly: BigBangProductions.CurveRuntime (in BigBangProductions.CurveRuntime.dll) Version: (

public class ContinousCurveCalculator
See Also